

Mixed media on canvas, 2022

Width: 36 in (3 ft)

Height: 48 in (4 ft)

Depth: 3/4 in

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SKU: 1771 Category:


About the Painting

Let go. Let your mind create. Trust the result. Have confidence in the effort. Release expectations. Accept creation. Evolve with the changes.
Ensō (circle) is a sacred symbol in the Zen school of Buddhism and is one of the most common subjects of Japanese calligraphy. The creation of an ensō symbolizes a moment in time in the life of the artist when the mind is free to simply let the spirit create through the physical body. Ensō is an expression of individuality as expressed by variations in ink tones, brushstroke thickness, the shape of the circle, and even the positioning of the single point where the circle begins and ends. With many definitions available, each person is responsible to create their own definition of ensō.

Carlos Gabriel Perez